Root Access For Mac

Root access for pcHere are the steps on how to install a CAC Reader for Mac:
  • Anyway, in this article, we will look at a Mac OS function (not quite an exploit!) that can allow virtually any user with physical access to the device to gain complete root access.First, you need access to a computer running Mac OS. Unless modified to be otherwise, virtually every Apple computer runs some version of Mac OS (barring smartphones).
  • Warning: Giving a non-root user all the permissions of root is very dangerous, because the non-root user will be able to do literally anything that could cause a big trouble if account is hijacked. Check SSH Server Settings: If you have disabled root access in SSH server settings, by setting PermitRootLogin no in /etc/ssh/sshdconfig – you.

Take caution as a root user on Mac. A root user can access system files and comes with a great amount of responsibility. Apple recommends the following for root users: The root user account is not intended for routine use. Its privileges allow changes to files that are required by your Mac.

  1. Ensure your CAC reader works with Mac
  2. Check to ensure your Mac accepts the reader
  3. Check your Mac OS version
  4. Check your CAC’s version
  5. Update your DOD certificates
  6. Guidance for Firefox Users
  7. Look at graphs to see which CAC enabler to use

Step 1: Purchase a Mac Friendly CAC Reader

Purchase a CAC reader that works for your Mac. There are only a couple that you can choose from and I’ve listed them below.

If you already have a CAC reader and it isn’t Mac friendly, you could update the firmware, however, for the non-tech savvy people out there, it’s probably better to just purchase a new one and save the headache – they’re only ~$11-13 dollars.

Best Mac Compatible CAC USB Readers

Best Mac Compatible CAC Desk Readers

Step 2: Plug in and Ensure It’s Accepted

Once you have your CAC reader, plug it into your Mac and ensure your computer recognizes it. If you have one of the CAC readers we suggested above, then you should be good to go.


If for some reason your CAC reader isn’t working, you may need to download the appropriate drivers for your CAC reader. You can find these drivers on the Reader’s Manufacturer Website.

Step 3: Update Your DOD Certificates

Now that you have your CAC reader connected and accepted on your Mac computer, it’s time to ensure you have the right certificates in order to access DOD CAC required web pages.

Procedure for Chrome and Safari

  1. Type ⇧⌘U (Shift + Command + U) to access your Utilities
  2. Find and Double click “Keychain Access”
  3. Select “Login” and “All Items”
  4. Download the following five files and double click each once downloaded so as to install in your Keychain Access.
  5. When you double-click the Mac Root Cert 3 and 4, you’ll need to tell your browser to always trust them. Click the button like you see below:

Additional Steps for Firefox

If you’re using Mozilla Firefox as your primary browser, you’re going to need to perform some additional steps. First, perform the same steps that you did for Chrome and Safari. Afterwards, follow these additional steps to get started.

  1. Download All Certs zip and double click to unzip all 39 files
  2. While in Firefox, click “Firefox” on the top left, then “Preferences”
  3. Then Click “Advanced” > “Certificates” > “View Certificates”
  4. Then Click “Authorities” and then “Import”
  5. Import each file individually from the “AllCerts” folder. When you do this, the below box will popup. Check all three boxes and click “OK”

Step 4: Download and install CAC Enabler

Choosing the right CAC enabler can be pretty tricky. It all depends on what OS you have installed, how you installed it, and even what kind of CAC Card you have!

In order to get the right enabler, be sure to visit our trusty guide to Mac CAC Enablers! It’ll walk you through exactly which enabler is right for you.

CAC Access at Home Success

Now that you have a CAC reader, certificates, and a CAC Enabler, you should now be able to access any CAC-enabled website and log on using your CAC password and data.

Root Access For Mac

Common Reasons Why Your CAC Card Won’t Work On Your Mac

Ensure Your CAC Card Meets the Standards: In order for your CAC card to work, it must meet the minimal requirements. Currently, there are only four types of CAC cards that can be used. The ensure you have the right CAC card for online access, flip your CAC card to the back and if you have one of the below numbers written on the top left, then you are good to go:

  • G&D FIPS 201 SCE 3.2
  • Oberthur ID one 128 v5.5 Dual

If you do not have any of the above written on the back, then proceed to your nearest PSD to get a new CAC card issued.

Do you own a Mac? Is it running Apple's latest macOS, the 'High Sierra?' If so, be extra careful with who you allow access to your machine.

A security flaw recently discovered by a developer named Lemi Orhan Ergin can easily allow anyone unfettered access to everything on your machine, and by extension, give them an easy 'in' to whatever network it's connected to. All they need is physical access.

Root Access For Mac

Exploiting this vulnerability is a lesson in simplicity. All a hacker has to do is enter 'root' in the username field, leave the password field blank, and press Enter.


They now have total access.

Needless to say, this is a large and rather glaring security issue, and one which Apple will be remedying in the near future via a patch. Until they do, however, be aware that the physical security of your Mac is of paramount importance. Leaving your workstation unsecured and unattended, even for a few minutes, is all it would take to lose control over all the files on your machine and give a hacker access to the even more sensitive data lurking elsewhere on your company's network.

Run Terminal As Root Mac

Unfortunately, as bad as this security flaw is, it's not the only recent stumble by Apple. Just last month, the company had to issue an emergency patch to fix a flaw that affected encrypted volumes, where the password hint section was displaying the actual password in plain text.

To try this exploit out for yourself to verify how easy it is to use, simply do the following:

  • Open your machine's System Preferences and select 'Users and Groups'
  • Click on the lock icon, which will allow you to make changes. You'll get a user name and password box at this point
  • Type in 'root' in the username field
  • Move the cursor into the password field and hit enter

That's all there is to it.

Change Root Password Mac

Until Apple issues their patch, the best thing you can do is leave your machine on and lock your workstation when you step away. At least that way, the hacker would have to know your current password in order to gain access.

List Of Os X Versions

Of course, they could simply power the machine off and reboot, but that would take a bit more time, during which they could be discovered.

It's far from perfect, but for the time being, it's the best protection you have.